
Make the API cloud ready

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Discussed in #3

Originally posted by ArneVanH June 6, 2023

As mentioned in the previous post we just pulled your project and got it working on our system.
And it works great, so thanks for that!

However... we are on a BTP - ABAP Cloud environment meaning we are restricted to the ABAP version for cloud.

This is a restricted version of ABAP, most notably denying access to all unreleased SAP-standard APIs (and thus most function-modules..)
Seeing as ABAP Cloud is the more restrictive of the two ABAP versions (and the direction SAP is headed with ABAP in general) it may be nice to start converting this API to be compatible with this version :)

See also: https://blogs.sap.com/2020/07/23/restricted-abap-and-sap-s-4hana-on-premise/

This will of course take quite some refactoring I guess... so not sure how actively you are still working on this project and have the time to continue to develop it :) But just thought I'd throw out the request and see your reaction.

To give you an idea of the scope of the required changes, to get this API working on BTP we had to do the following:

Create z-data elements and domains for all those not released for cloud (quite a few - SAP pushes you to define your own in ABAP cloud..)

Remove the usage of the plausibility date & time checks

Remove all conversion exit features

Remove the 'get_ddic_field' methods