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I am having frequent crashes.
I installed this months ago, it was great. But did not need it any more, I removed it. Since the last TLD update I have been having crashes. I sent my files to Hinterland and they say the mod is still present and that could be causing the crashes.
I recently renamed the original file location and install a fresh game. Worked great for a while but crashing again. I dont know how to tell if the mod is installed or not.
Any help you can offer to stop the crashing is appreciated.

So I'm making some assumptions here, please tell me if any of those aren't true.

  • You're playing the game on Windows (Vista or newer)
  • You're using Steam

First of all, I'm really interested in what you sent to Hinterland and what lead them to conclude that mods are "still around" despite you having uninstalled the mod loader ๐Ÿ˜„

Second, if you moved or deleted the modded install and re-installed the game, you should be okay. The Mod Loader only adds some files to the TLD install directory (where tld.exe is located). So if you delete / stop using that directory, all traces of the mod loader are gone.

If you want to make absolutely 100% sure that the mod loader isn't affecting your game, you can use Steam's "Verify Integrity of game files" feature (instructions I found on google) to restore all game files to their original state. This won't affect your save files.

And finally, if you want me to take a look into what's causing your issues, I'll need you to upload your TLD log file after the game crashed. (So start the game, let it crash, and then follow these steps without launching your game again):

  • Press Win+R to open a run dialog
  • Copy & paste %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Hinterland\TheLongDark and press enter
  • Drag & drop the file output_log.txt into this chat window to upload it

So I really can't imagine how Hinterland came to the conclusion that modding is the culprit here, unless you mentioned something along those lines. When the mod loader is initialized, it always adds some messages to the log file, including:
=== This game is MODDED. Do not report any issues to Hinterland! ===
Needless to say, none of these log messages are present in your log file.
Moreover, the mod loader DLL or mod dlls are not mentioned in the list of loaded DLLs at the time of the crash.

So I guess if you want to get proper support from Hinterland, send them this same log file again, but from a different email address, with a different subject, and without mentioning modding.

I'm no expert at diagnosing Unity engine / mono runtime crashes, but from the stack trace at the very end of the file, it seems like the crash originates from within the nVidia driver. Now, it looks like your driver is mostly up-to-date, but there is a newer version available.

If you don't hear anything from Hinterland (or just want to give this a shot first), I'd recommend you download the latest nVidia driver for your graphics card and select "Re-install" (or similar, can't remember) in the installer. I think there's a fair chance that this will fix your crashes ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

You're welcome ๐Ÿ˜„
Glad I was able to help!

Awesome detective work!
And you're welcome! ๐Ÿ˜„