
Support `west manifest --resolve` and `--freeze` with `manifest.project-filter`

mbolivar-nordic opened this issue · 1 comments

#664 disabled west manifest --resolve and west manifest --freeze whenever manifest.project-filter is set. This is intended as a temporary limitation. This issue tracks an enhancement to west where the two are made compatible again.

The proposed semantics are:

  • inactive-by-default: true (if implemented, see #666 ) and manifest.project-filter will NOT affect the output of west manifest --resolve
  • corollary: if bsim includes inactive-by-default: true in the upstream zephyr manifest, users will need to activate bsim manually in order to be able to use west resolve, because e.g. west manifest --resolve will need to resolve the import in the bsim project definition. If the project is missing, the command should produce an error saying that west update is needed (to get bsim itself and all of the projects it imports).

Expected behavior in an example:

manifest.project-filter == `-bsim` # forbidden to combine with west manifest --resolve today
west update bsim                   # updates bsim, but does not do its import; bsim remains inactive
west manifest --resolve            # works, since bsim is present