cannot change line spacing in bibliography
jpjoines opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
The "References" generated by \printbibliography are always double-spaced regardless of which options I use with package setspace. I need them to be single-spaced.
Additional information
- TeX distribution: TeX Live 2024
- Package citation-style-language version: 0.4.8
- LaTeX engine: lualatex
To Reproduce
\cslsetup{style = apa}
First, citing a first paper \cite{forbes-1887-Bull.PeoriaSci.Assoc.}. Then, citing a second paper \cite{cowles-1899-Bot.Gaz.}. Finally, citing a third paper and final paper \cite{cooper-1913-BotanicalGazette}. This paragraph is now long enough to see that it is single-spaced, but the bibliography below is double-spaced.
Contents of mwe-bib-spacing.json:
{"id":"cooper-1913-BotanicalGazette","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2014",11,17]]},"author":[{"family":"Cooper","given":"William S."}],"citation-key":"cooper-1913-BotanicalGazette","container-title":"Botanical Gazette","container-title-short":"Botanical Gazette","ISSN":"0006-8071","issue":"3","issued":{"date-parts":[["1913",3,1]]},"page":"189-235","source":"JSTOR","title":"The climax forest of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, and its development. III","type":"article-journal","URL":"","volume":"55"},
{"id":"cowles-1899-Bot.Gaz.","accessed":{"date-parts":[["2011",11,1]]},"author":[{"family":"Cowles","given":"Henry Chandler"}],"citation-key":"cowles-1899-Bot.Gaz.","container-title":"Botanical Gazette","ISSN":"0006-8071","issue":"2","issued":{"date-parts":[["1899",2,1]]},"note":"ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1899 / Copyright © 1899 The University of Chicago Press","page":"95-117","source":"JSTOR","title":"The ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. Part I. Geographical relations of the dune floras.","type":"article-journal","URL":"","volume":"27"},
{"id":"forbes-1887-Bull.PeoriaSci.Assoc.","author":[{"family":"Forbes","given":"Stephen A."}],"citation-key":"forbes-1887-Bull.PeoriaSci.Assoc.","container-title":"Bulletin of the Peoria Scientific Association","issued":{"date-parts":[["1887"]]},"page":"77-87","title":"The lake as a microcosm","type":"article-journal"}
Thanks for your feedback and I can reproduce that.
Unlike BibTeX or biblatex, the CSL has a configurable line-spacing
option for the bibliography and it has higher priority than the format outside \printbibliography
. line-spacing=2
is set in apa.csl
and Thus \singlespacing
here doesn't have effects. You can set the line spacing inside bibliography by \cslsetup {bib-font = \singlespacing}
or \cslsetup {bib-font = \linespread{1}}
without setspace
Line 1820 in 4febfb5
Thank you so much for your help. I completely missed the bib-font option to cslsetup in the documentation.