invert plugin (put mapping in storybook files)
alexkrolick opened this issue · 0 comments
alexkrolick commented
It's pretty tedious to map component names into the zeplin config file. One nice thing about storybook compared to styleguidist is it doesn't have a config file that maps components to stories - it just detects all the *.stories.(ts|js|mdx)
files and creates the storybook. It would be cool if Zeplin could plug into individual storybook configs, so when you update that, you can sync with Zeplin. It could also create bi-directional links from Storybook to Zeplin instead of just the other way (assuming you're in a private repo, should be disable-able if not).
// button.stories.js
export default {
title: 'Components|Button',
component: Button,
parameters: {
+ zeplinNames: ['Button/*'],