
Modelon Code Test

Primary LanguageTypeScript

  • I wanted to limit myself in regards to time

  • Vite was used as an easy start to creating a react app because it's faster to setup

  • Vitest was used in place of jest because vite doesn't fully support how jest works, and has a similar usage

  • React hook forms was used in order to use a stateless management of changing filters

  • Redux wasn't used because for a dataset of this kind I didn't think any state management was needed

  • With the use case for this graph, I thought about including more information, like the name of the user etc, but I decided against using any PII because it wouldn't add any value to the scatter plot and could be a cause of concern with gdpr depending on who can access the graph

  • I kept things reasonably dynamic if different values were wanted however, since there are a few columns that could be used, but I'm not 100% sure how I would use them

  • Improvements

    • Make a selectable range of letters for the country filter to replace the radio buttons
    • Pick what is on the yAxis with the data provided (being able to pick from annual Salary, credit card debt, net worth, car purchase amount)
    • Sanitise the input from the csv, there are accents on some of the letters, and the reading of the data in the current solution renders them as ?
    • Make the graph scroll on the xAxis due to the sheer quantity of countries available, at the moment it shows a subset
    • Reflect the data in the markers in a consistent way (i.e. show a value like 60k instead of 60193.5598)
    • Make the xAxis fully legible for countries, either by extending overflow or by shortening longer named countries to country codes, like EN for England