
Re-categorizing a gallery from a custom to true favlist overwrites favorite notes for all custom favlist items

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Strange bug, I guess this is medium-low priority? It's more cosmetic/confusing than anything. I am not sure if it impacts the search features since it's broken (separate issue).

I found a gallery in my Backlog #1 custom favlist that I want to change to my Lolis favlist.
The notes don't show up.
I've changed it. I have a different userscript that automatically fills in the notes section with the gallery tags when I choose a new favlist. It did that to populate the notes section.

That gallery is successfully in my Lolis favlist now but a weird bug has occured for the galleries still in my Backlog #1 custom favelist. Strange.

I can confirm that it's changed to that in all the other favlists too. I repeated it with a different gallery.
Switched this from Backlog #1 to Lolis. This is the log, and it looks normal?

Then I went to Things to translate
This is the log.

ah yeah I don't use notes so I haven't yet done anything with that yet. this should be entirely visual. it just copies the first gallery html item and then modifies it. and since I didn't have notes on that I never thought to replace them when copying them.

should be fixed with 3cfb06d