
README in version 4.4.0

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A few issues with the latest README:

  • it would be helpful to mention where the settings file is (.vscode/settings.json)
  • "Each configuration..." and its sublist should not be on the same level
  • IceRPC is not spelled according to our branding guidelines
  • addWellKnownTypes:
    • we need to document the default value
    • the WellKnownTypes are Slice well-known types and are RPC independent
    • but in practice "addWellKnownTypes" is about the Slice well-known types and many additional Slice types of lesser importance like IceRpc::ServiceAddress and IceRpc::StatusCode.
    • nevertheless the link goes to the WellKnownTypes folder

Maybe we should provide two variables:

  • addWellKnownTypes (or includeWellKnownTypes?) for the Slice well-known types
  • addIceRpcTypes/Definitions (or include...) for the IceRPC types/definitions

See: ( = Slice well-known types) (= IceRPC Slice files) (= additional Slice files provided by the IceRPC + Slice integration)