
Compile error: Cannot find module '@simplewebauthn/typescript-types' or its corresponding type declarations

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After installing @zerodev/permissions and referencing a type from @zerodev/permissions/signers, compilation fails with the following error:

node_modules/@zerodev/permissions/signers/toWebAuthnSigner.ts:1:60 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '@simplewebauthn/typescript-types' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import type { PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptionsJSON } from "@simplewebauthn/typescript-types"

Found 1 error in node_modules/@zerodev/permissions/signers/toWebAuthnSigner.ts:1

It looks like @zerodev/permissions uses @simplewebauthn/browser v9.0.1. In v9.0.0 it seems there was a breaking change that renamed @simplewebauthn/typescript-types to @simplewebauthn/types which is likely the culprit:

Minimum reproduction code

I've setup a small repo in order to reproduce the issue:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npx tsc
  4. Error occurs

Current workaround

Install @simplewebauthn/typescript-types (^8.2.3) as a package within my project.