
Svelte 4 support

space-nuko opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, Svelte 4 was recently released. Could this library be upgraded to support it? Thank you

Hi, Can you do the RC version too?


@aam-git Hey, IFAIK the RC version shouldn't be required now? The latest v0.9.4 includes everything, and more. Definitely recommend that you switch to @latest.

$ npm i --save @zerodevx/svelte-toast@latest

@aam-git Hey, IFAIK the RC version shouldn't be required now? The latest v0.9.4 includes everything, and more. Definitely recommend that you switch to @latest.

$ npm i --save @zerodevx/svelte-toast@latest

Last time I tried 0.9x it didn't work with my system, I'll try it again later. Thanks.