
stdout/logs for Prometheus

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Hi while inspecting the stdout/logs for Prometheus with docker-compose logs -f prometheus, its getting stuck on starting rule manager, is this ok?

prometheus | ts=2023-06-19T07:17:47.620Z caller=manager.go:974 level=info component="rule manager" msg="Starting rule manager..."


docker-compose logs -f results


Yeah prometheus logs are INFO Level, so that is okay.

For the config error, please ensure you've followed this step as mentioned in README:

Download config.sample.toml and save it alongside docker-compose.yml as config.toml on the master system.

config.toml should exist in the directory where docker-compose.yml is present. There was a small issue where the docker-compose.yml expected a sample file, hence the error you're seeing. It's fixed in 220617e. Please re-download the docker-compose.yml and try again.


Hi Thanks for the help, I have re-downloaded docker-compose.yml, and I am now getting a TCP connection refused, do I need to change any config?

time=2023-06-19T12:29:52.945Z level=ERROR source=/home/runner/work/mii-lama/mii-lama/cmd/main.go:31 msg="failed to init metrics manager" component=mii-lama error="failed to query tsdb status page: Get "http://10.10.x.x:9090/api/v1/status/tsdb\": dial tcp 10.10.x.x:9090: connect: connection refused"

Closing in favour of #8