
Script seems to not work[Tampermonkey]

AlcBrains opened this issue · 4 comments

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The first time I load the video, it showed the player controls but it was stuck on loading. When I refresh the page, I get the usual "Verify Your Age" prompt. I'm running it through tampermonkey,





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Cannot repro. Anything interesting in the console?

I apologize for the size of the file, I am not sure what I'm looking for so I pasted all warnings and errors on the console.

The logs you see are after I disabled other extensions (privacy badger, ublock origin)

TL;DR version:

I see CSP related errors:
Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”).

A couple of POST requests to
Which return a 401 (I'm guessing these aren't relevant since they're on a log related endpoint)

A bunch of warnings regarding missing SameSite attribute value
A few of those: The resource at “” preloaded with link preload was not used within a few seconds. Make sure all attributes of the preload tag are set correctly.
which seem like the most relevant

and two of these :MouseEvent.mozInputSource is deprecated. Use PointerEvent.pointerType instead.

Let me know if I can test more on my end

Nothing in that log is related to the script. Also there is no indication it's running or else it would have logged something.

Try checking if the script is enabled, if it is, try toggling on/off Tampermonkey.


Sorry for the hassle, it seems that a reinstall of tampermonkey and the script solved the issue. Nothing to see here
