
Hurrican Blank Screen on Retropie 4.4

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Retropie 4.4 - Raspberry pi3 b +
Game starts, intro music starts, but i see only a blank screen.


Executing: pushd /opt/retropie/ports/hurrican; /opt/retropie/ports/hurrican/hurr
ican; popd
/opt/retropie/ports/hurrican ~
libEGL warning: DRI3: xcb_connect failed
libEGL warning: DRI2: xcb_connect failed
libEGL warning: DRI2: xcb_connect failed

same issue here on a Raspberry pi3 b

The issue persists after update to RetroPie 4.6
(Raspberry Pi 3 B+)

Hurrican is considered non working with buster

I found a version of hurrican that is working fine all you have to do is extract the archive in a folder and run the executable,can you correct the hurrican port?

Run with ./hurrican

@symbios24 can you describe step by step how to run it? Unfortunately, it does not start for me