
Ports that are not working (List)

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello i tested some ports in Retropie Stretch image here is the non working list

Hurrican black screen you can hear sound only
Supertuxkart return to emulation station
OpenXcom error in install/compiling ---> Fixed
Fofix return to emulation station
Crack Attack return to emulation station --->Fixed
Bloboats return to emulation station
Texmaster2009 fail/error in install --->Fixed

if you can fix that ones when you have time will be great


Created an account just to bump this. Was trying to get Texmaster to install all night. Please fix, thanks!

Texmaster should now be fixed.

Bump for frets on fire just returns to emulationstation even tried installing xserver-xorg-legacy still no dice

textmaster2009 is installing now from the source option only
There is a alternative installation for OpenXcom that works(tested)

SuperTuxKart has been sent to the unstable repo as it is far too slow to be playable.