
Widescreen support for Streets of Rage Remake v5.2?

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I just recently discovered that Streets of Rage Remake got a major v5.2 update and one of the new features introduced in this update is 16:9 widescreen support. I was hoping to use this new version with RetroPie and enjoy Streets of Rage Remake in widescreen on it, but sadly the game either is squished to 4:3 when trying to enable widescreen if the system.txt file found in the game's mod folder is set to AUTO / BORDERLESS / BORDERLESS_SYNC, or in a much smaller window that does not fill the screen when set to DESKTOP. Is there any possibility to update this script or however RetroPie is able to play Streets of Rage Remake on a Raspberry Pi to properly support the new widescreen option for v5.2.