
Publisher crashes after re-connect to subscriber in a LAN

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm a beginner about the zmq and interested to use it in my project.
I'm trying to create a simple pub/sub sample programs and run the subscriber program in other computer in a LAN.
I pulled the network cable in a pubhisher computer and then re-connect it again after several seconds
and then find a crash in my publisher. I don't get any .NET exception so presumably it was from internal zmq native library.
The problem happens either I pulled the network cable in the publisher computer or subscriber computer.
Is there any resolution for this problem? or I might miss the zmq settings in my code?

Many thanks

jgoz commented

Hi, just to clarify a few things:

  1. What version of clrzmq are you using? The latest stable one on NuGet is 2.2.2.
  2. What happens when it crashes? Is there a stack trace you can send, or an assertion message or anything?
  3. When you unplug the cable on the subscriber, does the subscriber crash?
  4. What socket options, if any, have you set on the publisher or subscriber?
  1. I just downloaded the zip version from code repository which is So it would be 3.0.0-alpha1 version for clrzmq.
  2. No stack trace that I can catch. It just said that vshost32.exe has stopped working.
  3. Both publisher and subscriber does not crash when I unplug the cable but only publisher crashes when I plug it back. I think it happens when subscriber is trying to re-connect to publisher.
  4. I'm trying to send a file in 256 bytes each chunk.
    Here is publisher settings:
                pub.SendHighWatermark = 1000;
                pub.SendBufferSize = 256;
    And the subscriber settings:
                socket.ReceiveHighWatermark = 1000;
                socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 256;
                socket.ReconnectInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
    Thanks for your response.

Have you tried running it standalone, to eliminate Visual Studio and vshost32.exe from the problem?