
An error occurs when the zsock_set_tcp_keepalive function is executed

wangxuheng opened this issue · 2 comments

Use the 4.2.2czmq version and the 4.3.5 zmq version

socket->pub_intermsg = zsock_new(ZMQ_PUB);
zsock_set_tcp_keepalive (socket->pub_intermsg, 3);
assert (zsock_tcp_keepalive (socket->pub_intermsg) == 3);
zsock_set_tcp_keepalive_idle (socket->pub_intermsg, 30);
assert (zsock_tcp_keepalive_idle (socket->pub_intermsg) == 30);
zsock_set_tcp_keepalive_cnt (socket->pub_intermsg, 5);
assert(zsock_tcp_keepalive_cnt (socket->pub_intermsg) == 5);
zsock_set_tcp_keepalive_intvl (socket->pub_intermsg, 3);
assert(zsock_tcp_keepalive_intvl (socket->pub_intermsg) == 3);
zmq_setsockopt(socket->pub_intermsg, ZMQ_SNDHWM, &g_evd_hwm, sizeof (g_evd_hwm));

An error occurs when the zsock_set_tcp_keepalive function is executed
src/ zsock_set_tcp_keepalive: Assertion rc == 0 || zmq_error() == (156384712 + 53) failed.

zsock_set_tcp_keepalive is a boolean option, so the only acceptable values are 0 and 1, or -1 for "not specified".

Also, your call to zmq_setsockopt on the last line will not work because you are passing a CZMQ zsock_t object where a libzmq socket handle is expected. You should use zsock_set_sndhwm instead.

zsock_set_tcp_keepalive is a boolean option, so the only acceptable values are 0 and 1, or -1 for "not specified".

Also, your call to zmq_setsockopt on the last line will not work because you are passing a CZMQ zsock_t object where a libzmq socket handle is expected. You should use zsock_set_sndhwm instead.

Thank you very much