
segfault when zmq_poll() with closed socket

potatogim opened this issue · 1 comments


I have meet a segfault with my program.

this situation like below.

  1. call zmq_poll() with a monitor socket gained by zmq_monitor_socket() and then some callback is triggered.
  2. this callback checks connection and then if it is disconnected, close this socket.
  3. after that, call zmq_poll() with same pollitems.
  4. Bang!

I have rebuilt ZMQ::LibZMQ3 with ZMQ_TRACE, and this is output from that.

[perlzmq (29306)] START mg_free (Message)
[perlzmq (29306)] + zmq message 2e41f50
[perlzmq (29306)] END mg_free (Message)
[perlzmq (29306)] START zmq_poll
[perlzmq (29306)] + processing element 0
[perlzmq (29306)] + mg 0: 48468640
[perlzmq (29306)] + mg->mg_ptr 0: 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Actually... it may be my fault, too.

but I think that we can handle this situation more gracefully :)

Sorry, I did confused repository :)

I will close and reopen with p5-ZMQ repository.