
ZMQ 4.1.4, Recv returns -1 with EINTR error

Kadle11 opened this issue · 4 comments

I am relatively new to ZMQ and have read the Guide to obtain a basic understanding.
The program has two threads are all the sockets being used by a thread are initialized in the same thread.
I am facing the following error,

      /* Get The Pair */
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &S2);
      nByteS = zmq_recv(reciever, data, sizeof(char), 0);
      assert(nByteS != -1); 
      /* Multilply the Pair */
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &S3);
      theApp->run(PairList[count].M2, PairList[count].M1, PairList[count].P, 16, &Sum4, &Sum4, &Sum3, &Sum4);
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &E3);
      /* Check if there is more data */ 
      more = (long int)(*data)&more_mask;
      loop = (long int)(*data)&loop_mask;
      /* Send the Product along with the indication of whether there is more data */
      //printf("Sending Product Matrix... %ld\n", more);
	  nByteR = zmq_send(sendResult, msg, 2, 0); 

      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &E2);
      Sum1+=Exec_Time(S2, S3);
      Sum2+=Exec_Time(S3, E3);
      count = (count+1)%noOfPairs;

The sockets being used are initialized in the same thread.
The zmq_recv function is returning -1 with errno set to EINTR
The guide shows a program where the program continues to execute on receiving this error code.

Am I supposed to do the same?

PairList is a shared variable between the threads. Could this be the cause of the Error?

bluca commented

EINTR can happen on receiving a signal. You need to try again if that happens.

Do I send and receive the same message or just call zmq_recv again?

bluca commented

If the send succeeded, then it succeeded. You need to handle the receive logic. Bear in mind that usually an interrupted receive means there was a ctrl-c or something like that requesting termination, so you need to handle that accordingly to your application's logic.

Okay, Thanks alot!