GraphQL Error Unknown field `allMarkdownRemark` on type `Query`
arthef opened this issue · 3 comments
arthef commented
I have created a new project, fresh from the repository without any changes and when I try to run it I get the error:
GraphQL Error Unknown field `allMarkdownRemark` on type `Query`
file: /Users/kobit/tigase-net-gastby/src/pages/index.js
1 |
2 | query {
> 3 | allMarkdownRemark(
| ^
4 | filter: { fileAbsolutePath: { regex: "/services/" } }
5 | sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
6 | ) {
7 | edges {
8 | node {
9 | id
10 | frontmatter {
11 | path
12 | title
13 | date(formatString: "DD MMMM YYYY")
Do you have any suggestions?
arthef commented
There is one more error in the console output that I missed. Maybe these both errors are related? Here is a full console output:
$ gatsby develop
success open and validate gatsby-configs — 0.008 s
Your plugins must export known APIs from their gatsby-node.js.
The following exports aren't APIs. Perhaps you made a typo or your plugin is outdated?
See for the list of Gatsby Node APIs
- The plugin "gatsby-source-filesystem@2.1.5" is exporting a variable named "createSchemaCustomization" which isn't an API.
- The plugin "gatsby-source-filesystem@2.1.5" is exporting a variable named "createSchemaCustomization" which isn't an API.
- The plugin "gatsby-source-filesystem@2.1.5" is exporting a variable named "createSchemaCustomization" which isn't an API.
success load plugins — 0.281 s
success onPreInit — 0.200 s
success delete html and css files from previous builds — 0.013 s
success initialize cache — 0.008 s
success copy gatsby files — 0.057 s
success onPreBootstrap — 0.007 s
success source and transform nodes — 0.095 s
success building schema — 0.207 s
error gatsby-node.js returned an error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'services' of undefined
success createPages — 0.045 s
success createPagesStatefully — 0.048 s
success onPreExtractQueries — 0.001 s
success update schema — 0.100 s
error GraphQL Error Unknown field `allMarkdownRemark` on type `Query`
file: /Users/kobit/Dropbox (Tigase)/projects/tigase/tigase-net-gastby/src/pages/index.js
1 |
2 | query {
> 3 | allMarkdownRemark(
| ^
4 | filter: { fileAbsolutePath: { regex: "/services/" } }
5 | sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
6 | ) {
7 | edges {
8 | node {
9 | id
10 | frontmatter {
11 | path
12 | title
13 | date(formatString: "DD MMMM YYYY")
(node:7797) DeprecationWarning: Passing lineNumber and colNumber is deprecated to @babel/code-frame. Please use
success run graphql queries — 0.022 s — 8/8 468.66 queries/second
success write out page data — 0.006 s
success write out redirect data — 0.004 s
success onPostBootstrap — 0.001 s
info bootstrap finished - 3.943 s
DONE Compiled successfully in 2559ms 8:12:55 PM
You can now view gatsby-serif-theme in the browser.
View GraphiQL, an in-browser IDE, to explore your site's data and schema
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use gatsby build
ℹ 「wdm」:
ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
WAIT Compiling... 8:12:55 PM
ℹ 「wdm」: Compiling...
DONE Compiled successfully in 35ms 8:12:55 PM
ℹ 「wdm」:
ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
smalonso commented
I have the same problem. Did you find the solution?
arthef commented
No solution for this unfortunately. Ended up, implementing own theme from scratch.