
Lists in markdown are not being rendered

eagarg opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks again for a great theme.

I've discovered an issue though in that lists are not rendered. For example, if I run Hugo server locally against the exampleSite and I update the file in content/contact to the following:

title: 'Contact'
date: 2018-02-22T17:01:34+07:00

We offer a free consultation for all new clients.

- Call
- Us
- Today

When this renders, I get:


Probably the list bullet point is just being removed in the CSS.

Also a fan of this theme - currently using it to build a Portfolio site for my consulting business.

I've fixed the Contacts bullet issue by amending the contacts.html file. See below:


Note, that the same issue applies to general content. To fix that I amended the _content.scss as below:


Above may not be the best way to achieve this - but seems to work for me (I'm no CSS / SCSS / Hugo expert...)

Check out hugo-hero-theme/issues/35 where I explain how to override the theme styles