
How can I get duplicity-backup to use lftp's FTPS? (ftp over ssl, not sftp)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello. How can I get duplicity-backup to use lftp's FTPS? (ftp over ssl, not sftp)

I have tried adding "set ftp:ssl-force true" to /etc/lftp.conf but did not seem to enforce ssl unless I am running lftp directly. Can I configure lftp options somewhere in duplicity-backup's config?

As I only have FTPS access to my target machine I really would like to get this working...

Thank you for your thoughts :)

Hi @vx28643 !

duplicity-backup.sh is a wrapper for duplicity, which in turn takes care of connecting to the backend (in your case FTPS). You need to configure correctly the DEST parameter for duplicity.

Did you try DEST="ftps://user[:password]@other.host[:port]/some_dir" ?

Refer to the official documentation for more information: http://duplicity.nongnu.org/duplicity.1.html#sect7
I didn't know that there is an alternative URL scheme for using lftp (lftp+ftp://....) and I have no experience with it.

As a reminder, I am in no way affiliated to duplicity, only to this bash wrapper. Your question seems to concern duplicity, so I will close the issue. If using ftps:// doesn't work, look for help on the mailing list of duplicity (http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/duplicity-talk). I suggest to try to get duplicity working before using duplicity-backup.sh. If you can make duplicity working but not duplicity-backup.sh than feel free to reopen this issue 😉

Thanks for considering duplicity-backup.sh and I hope you'll find the solution to your problem!

Thank you very much. You helped me hunt down the issue. Seems duplicity ignores the lftp.conf and sets its own settings in the lftpbackend.py backend.

ftps:// was indeed correct, but in the end, I actually needed to use ftpes:// for my actual situation. Perhaps these should be added to the list of possible destinations in the duplicity-backup.conf.example?

Anyway, thanks for making this great Duplicity wrapper!