
Restore a directory with exclusion

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I would want to restore a directory from the backup but I want to exclude on sub directory from this backup. How can I do that ?

For exemple
restore /var/www/
but exclude /var/www/data



Thanks for your question!

It's something that would be nice indeed, but that will not be taken care of by this wrapper script. Such a functionality should be implemented by duplicity first. Maybe you should ask for it upstream (see the duplicity mailing-lists https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/duplicity-talk or the duplicity bug-tracker https://launchpad.net/duplicity )

Since I think this should be implemented upstream, I will close this issue and mark it accordingly.

Feel free to continue commenting here or reopening this issue I you think there's something else that the wrapper script could do to help with this issue 😉