
EXCLIST failed to exclude

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I caught a read error on a file related to a secure key, so I dealt with it and then added it to the exclude list, although the script still hung repeatedly while trying to execute so I had the undesired result of removing that piece of the backup.

Hi, thanks for reporting. Did you manage to do a backup without using this script at all, only directly using duplicity? We need to make sure the bug is not in duplicity but in this script. Otherwise, this is the wrong place to report it ;-)

If you need a starting point to build the duplicity command, you can enable the debug mode of this script (see at the end of the config file) and look inside the log file for the duplicity command used by the script based on your config file parameters.

In any case, please provide more details such as

  • error messages,
  • the relevant parts of your config file,
  • the duplicity command generated by the script,
  • and the exact version of the script that you are using (if possible which commit, otherwise just the version from the --version option).

Closing because of inactivity. Feel free to reopen with more information is this issue is reproducible.