
This project is unmaintained as of 2019

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Just a note for anyone stumbling upon this project to let you know that I don't intend to maintain this project any more.

Feel free to fork it for any bug fix or future features.

What did you switch to? I ask because I was switching to duplicity and hit this repo and thought, "That's exactly what I want". Curious to know before I go down this road what drove you to change


On my Linux servers, I now use borg backup to do a local backup, which is then synched to a remote destination using rclone.
On Windows machine, I use Duplicati. I like the variety of built-in destinations and the web-frontend.

As far as I know, duplicity still works well, and this script should also continue working. No one seems to be reporting any big issue yet, so I assume it's still ok currently.

Me not spending more time maintaining this is only because I stopped using duplicity. But duplicity remains a good backup software (only lacking some features of the other two).