
FE Liquidator Interface

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Front-End Liquidator Interface

Bounty Description

Add a liquidator interface such that anybody can liquidate via a frontend. Should show accounts that are close to liquidation, and have an easy button for users to come in and secure the platform.


  • Liquidator can connect their wallet to the UI
  • Liquidator can view their account metrics and their positions in the UI
  • Liquidator can view at risk accounts
  • Liquidator can view liquidatable accounts
  • Liquidator can view positions and orders of at risk accounts
  • Liquidator can view positions and orders of liquidatable accounts
  • Liquidator can access Cancel All Orders for liquidatable and at rick accounts
  • Liquidator can select individual positions to liquidate
  • Liquidator can select how much they wish to liquidate of a position
  • Liquidator can batch 2 liquidation orders
  • FE shows liquidator projected account liquidations given order
  • FE updates to show updated state after liquidations.

Submissions will be reviewed on an on-going basis. Please include the following in your submission:

  • Github repo (the cleaner the better!)
  • Demo of the interface (where possible)


We will look at:

  • Quality of the github repo
  • Implementation of the interface


  • All submissions will reviewed by 01/03/2022 - any submissions after this will be ineligible for a prize from this bounty program.
