
Public Leaderboard

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Public Leaderboard

Bounty Description

Add a leaderboard for PnL (dollars and percentage) which is able to display PnL rankings across a range of time periods, and additionally recognises Solana Name Service addresses.


  • Application factors in user deposits and withdraws so it can isolate PnL
  • Based on user Unrealised PnL, Account Balance and Deposit Withdraws calculate total PnL given user account
  • Have a table of user accounts - sortable by PnL
  • In table display unrealised PnL too (perhaps in brackets or in another column)
  • Let users search address
  • Display users rank and historical PnL based on connected wallet at top
  • Add a filter for PnL over different time ranges.

Submissions will be reviewed on an on-going basis. Please include the following in your submission:

  • Github repo (the cleaner the better!)
  • Demo of the leaderboard (where possible)


We will look at:

  • Quality of the github repo
  • Implementation of the leaderboard


  • All submissions will reviewed by 01/03/2022 - any submissions after this will be ineligible for a prize from this bounty program.


Hey, is this still active?