
starter code for react redux firebase with auth

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is meant to be a boilerplate app to clone for future auth purposes.
The Firebase project used for bootstrapping this is myuniversalserver

*usesyarn for dependency management and for scripts

notes on architecture

  1. The project uses contexts to pass data. For example, the firebase class is passed to relevant components using contexts. Both Context.Consumer and the useContext APIs have been used.

  2. the firebase wrapper class firebaseAPI has an auth property which is effectively a singleton object available through the withFirebaseHOC which injects an instance of the firebase wrapper class into the application, at the <App /> level via a AuthUserContext.Provider. This can be consumed using

const authUserContext = useContext(AuthUserContext);

from any child of the top level <App /> component. See example of it being consumed in Protected

  1. this firebase object that gets passed through application context API is where the onAuthStateChanged listener attaches. The listener attaches in more than one place in the app, but in all cases it attaches to the one singleton object.

  2. each folder is designed to be a module - each folder has an index.js file that serves as an entry point to the module by exporting key objects from it.

  3. the Main HOCs are withFirebase and Protected. withFirebase only injects the firebaseAPI wrapper class for use to interact with firebase services. Protected includes that plus the AuthUser object and is used to wrap components that are accessed through protected routes.

Congigure multiple environments for dev and prod

Thanks to
