bakura10 opened this issue · 8 comments
We need to create a new module to simplify http cache control, either based on controller or path regex.
We need to find a funky name. ZfrCache is boring. Give us your names.
ping @danizord
What should it do?
Something like that:
return [
'zfr_cachability' => [
'patterns' => [
'users/*' => 500
This automatically returns appropriate cache headers in the response. Of course this is a simplistic example, we can also configure max-age, smax-age... private/public content... A better way would be to use annotations:
class UserController
* @Cache(maxAge=400)
public function getAction()
I hate how all ZFR packages have obvious names.
Call it ZfrBanana
and then you'll have some fun in it
👍 ZfrBanana
It's already there for your pleasure: https://github.com/zf-fr/zfr-banana
'modules' => [
Addressed by ZfrBanana. More to come.