
Minifying jquery with other plugins I get "$ is not defined"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I am running the following command with jslim

jslim --js ../minified_test/temp1.js --js_output_file ../minified_test/assets/linker/js/out.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/jquery-2.1.0.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/app.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/bbootstrap.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/bootstrap-formhelpers.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/jasny-bootstrap.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/jquery.cookie.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/jquery.form.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/jquery.validate.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/myhelpers.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/sails.io.js --lib_js assets/linker/js/socket.io.js --separate_files --skip_gzip --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
Removed 138 out of 662 named functions.

Then while accessing the webpage I get the following error in the console.

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function out.js:37
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined product:138

Where in product script I have out.js (product of jslim) included.

What else can I provide to debug this error ?

Thanks for using JSlim. I would need to know more about this project. Where do you see the error? Are you using $ in your templ.js file? Depending on how you define this you may need to declare $ as an external reference.

@zgrossbart This is more or less my code :

$(function( ) { 
    var file, product_name;

    $('input[type=file]').on('change', prepareUpload); 
        $("#submit_button").prop( "disabled", false);
  var username = $.cookie("username");
  if( username ){
    $(".vertical-navbar-middle").html( ///..........);


It gives error on lines : with $(function() { and does not go in the callback function (where there are more references to $

This is minified and compiled out.js http://hastebin.com/coxeqohaca.rb (it gives Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on line 48)

I'm not really sure what's going on here. If you want to share your project somewhere I can take a look and try to figure out what's going on, but it might take a me a little while to get to it.

@zgrossbart Ok so I have shared it here https://github.com/pmalek/jslim_test

Just clone it, (you will need node and npm to run it http://nodejs.org) run npm install , npm install -g sails, then you can use jslim

jslim --js temp1.js --js_output_file assets/linker/js/out.js --lib_js old/ajquery-2.1.0.js --lib_js old/app.js --lib_js old/bbootstrap.js --lib_js old/bootstrap-formhelpers.js --lib_js old/jasny-bootstrap.js --lib_js old/jquery.cookie.js --lib_js old/jquery.form.js --lib_js old/jquery.validate.js --lib_js old/myhelpers.js --lib_js old/sails.io.js --lib_js old/socket.io.js --separate_files --skip_gzip --compilation_level NONE

and run the project from root directory: sails lift

After that you can access it at https://localhost and see the error in the console.


I forgot that there is also need to create private and public key for https :/ (put them in the ssl folder in root folder - I may put some exemplar keys later on used only for development purposes).

And there is also need to run redis http://redis.io database on port 6379. :/