

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install git+

mkdir output


    python --task {image,text,multi}
                    --multi_type {separate,together}   
                    --dataset {mvsa, hateful}
                    --image_enc {cnn,transformer,vit,swint,pit,tnt}
                    --text_enc {bert}
                    --mixed_enc {mmbt}


  • replace the cnn encoder in MMBT with Vision transformer(Done)
  • fusion technique important
    • Concatenate directly(DC)
    • Pass through a linear layer, then concatenate(LTC)
    • Pass through a linear and a self-attention layer, then concatenate(STC)
  • for each vit, compare the pretrained version against the vanilla version(Done)
  • ensemble model(Done)
  • use feature extracted by faster-rcnn(Use the figure provided by Facebook)
  • ablation study
    • 1
    • 2
  • error analysis(complete in this weekend)
  • deploy model(use streamlit, complete in this weekend, Done)



  1. Unimodal(Image)
Vanilla Resnet152 Resnet152 Vanilla Vit Vit Vanilla Swint Swint Vanilla TNT TNT Vanilla PiT PiT
Accuracy 56.00 67.50 58.75 66.75 59.25 67.75 58.75 66.75 58.50 66.00
AUROC 66.21 78.89 65.45 81.19 61.02 81.79 64.61 78.94 62.85 80.42

Hateful Meme

  1. Separate(DC)
Resnet152 Vanilla Vit Vit Vanilla Swint Swint Vanilla TNT TNT Vanilla PiT PiT
Accuracy 60.40 57.4 61.60 56.60 60.00 55.40 59.40 58.00 60.60
AUROC 62.90 62.78 66.80 62.86 66.20 62.82 65.37 63.28 65.66
  1. Ensemble Separate

    Resnet+Vit+Swint Vit+Swint+TNT Resnet+Vit+Swint+Tnt+Pit
    Accuracy 62.40 59.20 60.20
    AUROC 67.11 65.49 66.25
  2. Separate(LTC)

  3. Separate(STC)

  4. Together(MMBT Style)

Resnet152 Vit Swint TNT PiT
Accuracy 60.60 62.40 61.40 63.80 62.60
AUROC 65.57 68.79 67.40 66.78 66.92

Error Analysis

100 error examples on dev set

hateful memes unzip password: EWryfbZyNviilcDF