
Attempt to write to field 'java.util.ArrayList im-shimo.react.webview.AdvancedWebViewManager $AdvancedWebViewCLient.mPendingMessages' on null object reference

Opened this issue · 2 comments

<View style={{flex:1}}> <OfflineCacheWebView style={{width:window.width, height:window.height - 70}} source={{uri: 'http://facebook.github.io/react-native/blog/2018/06/14/state-of-react-native-2018'}} javaScriptEnabled={true} injectedJavaScript={injectScript} onMessage={this.onMessage} startInLoadingState={true} renderLoading={()=>this.indicador()} /> </View>

The webview charges me very well. Only when I turn back the scene does this message appear to me.

halk commented

Did you find a workaround for this?

I put the java code inside a try catch block as a temporary workaround. It didn't affect the performance as far as I saw.