AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good old HTML (or HAML, Jade/Pug and friends!) as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly. It automatically synchronizes data from your UI (view) with your JavaScript objects (model) through 2-way data binding. To help you structure your application better and make it easy to test, AngularJS teaches the browser how to do dependency injection and inversion of control.
It also helps with server-side communication, taming async callbacks with promises and deferreds, and it makes client-side navigation and deeplinking with hashbang urls or HTML5 pushState a piece of cake. Best of all? It makes development fun!
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AngularJS is the next generation framework where each component is designed to work with every other component in an interconnected way like a well-oiled machine. AngularJS is JavaScript MVC made easy and done right. (Well it is not really MVC, read on, to understand what this means.)
MVC, short for Model-View-Controller, is a design pattern, i.e. how the code should be organized and how the different parts of an application separated for proper readability and debugging. Model is the data and the database. View is the user interface and what the user sees. Controller is the main link between Model and View. These are the three pillars of major programming frameworks present on the market today. On the other hand AngularJS works on MV*, short for Model-View-Whatever. The Whatever is AngularJS's way of telling that you may create any kind of linking between the Model and the View here.
Unlike other frameworks in any programming language, where MVC, the three separate components, each one has to be written and then connected by the programmer, AngularJS helps the programmer by asking him/her to just create these and everything else will be taken care of by AngularJS.
AngularJS uses HTML to define the user's interface. AngularJS also enables the programmer to write new HTML tags (AngularJS Directives) and increase the readability and understandability of the HTML code. Directives are AngularJS’s way of bringing additional functionality to HTML. Directives achieve this by enabling us to invent our own HTML elements. This also helps in making the code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), which means once created, a new directive can be used anywhere within the application.
HTML is also used to determine the wiring of the app. Special attributes in the HTML determine where to load the app, which components or controllers to use for each element, etc. We specify "what" gets loaded, but not "how". This declarative approach greatly simplifies app development in a sort of WYSIWYG way. Rather than spending time on how the program flows and orchestrating the various moving parts, we simply define what we want and Angular will take care of the dependencies.
Data and Data Models in AngularJS are plain JavaScript objects and one can add and change properties directly on it and loop over objects and arrays at will.
One of AngularJS's strongest features. Two-way Data Binding means that if something changes in the
Model, the change gets reflected in the View instantaneously, and the same happens the other way
around. This is also referred to as Reactive Programming, i.e. suppose a = b + c
is being
programmed and after this, if the value of b
and/or c
is changed then the value of a
will be
automatically updated to reflect the change. AngularJS uses its "scopes" as a glue between the Model
and View and makes these updates in one available for the other.
Everything in AngularJS is created to enable the programmer to end up writing less code that is easily maintainable and readable by any other new person on the team. Believe it or not, one can write a complete working two-way data binded application in less than 10 lines of code. Try and see for yourself!
AngularJS has Dependency Injection, i.e. it takes care of providing all the necessary dependencies to its controllers and services whenever required. This helps in making the AngularJS code ready for unit testing by making use of mock dependencies created and injected. This makes AngularJS more modular and easily testable thus in turn helping a team create more robust applications.
它同时还对与服务端通讯提供了帮助,通过promise和deferred让异步回调变得更加顺畅,同时还利用hashbang url或者HTML5 pushState让客户端导航变得易如反掌。如果你要问它最大的优点是什么?答案是:它让开发过程变得妙趣横生!
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AngularJS是下一代框架,在这里每一个组件都被设计成可以与其它组件以高度协同的方式工作,就像一台运行良好的机器一样。AngularJS让JavaScript MVC更加容易实现,并且是开箱即用的。(好吧,其实它并不是真正意义上的MVC,如果你想知道这句话的含义,请继续向下阅读。)
AngularJS使用HTML标签来定义用户界面。AngularJS同时也允许程序员编写新的HTML标签(AngularJS指令)从而增强HTML代码的可读性和可理解性。指令是AngularJS提供的一种方式,用来给HTML增加额外的功能。为了达到这一目的,指令允许我们发明自己的HTML标签。这种方法同时还能让代码保持DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself),这就意味着,一旦创建了一个新的指令,它就可以在应用中的任何地方使用。同时,HTML还用来决定应用的组织方式。HTML标签中的特殊属性可以决定把app加载到哪里、每个元素上应该使用哪个组件或者控制器,等等。我们指定要加载“什么”(what),而不是“如何”(how)加载。这种声明式的方法使用一种WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get.---译者注)的方式高度简化了应用的开发过程。我们只要简单地定义需要什么,而不需要在程序流程和各种动态组件的组织方式上去花时间,Angular会负责处理这些依赖关系。
这是AngularJS最强大的特性之一。双向数据绑定的意思是,如果Model上发生了某种变化,这种变化会立刻反映到View上,反之亦然。这种特性也被叫做Reactive Programming(响应式编程),也就是说,假设我们编写了a = b + c
and/or c
AngularJS内置了Dependency Injection(依赖注入)特性,也就是说,它会在需要的时候为控制器(controller)和服务(service)提供所有必要的依赖。这一点帮助AngularJS代码具备了良好的单元测试特性,只要创建并注入模拟(mock)依赖就可以了。从而让AngularJS更加模块化,并且更加易于测试,最终可以帮助团队创建更加健壮的应用。