Where are the LD.path files?
boseb opened this issue · 1 comments
For running HDL.rg.R script, where are the required files ("._snp_counter.","._snp_list." ) for LD.path? Can you please provide example files for this?
I am talking about this part of the code:
if(any(grepl(x = LD.files, pattern = "._snp_counter."))){
snp_counter_file <- LD.files[grep(x = LD.files, pattern = "._snp_counter.")]
snp_list_file <- LD.files[grep(x = LD.files, pattern = "._snp_list.")]
load(file=paste(LD.path, snp_counter_file, sep = "/"))
load(file=paste(LD.path, snp_list_file, sep = "/"))
if("nsnps.list.imputed" %in% ls()){
snps.name.list <- snps.list.imputed.vector
nsnps.list <- nsnps.list.imputed
if(is.null(names(nsnps.list))) names(nsnps.list) <- as.character(1:length(nsnps.list))
} else{
error.message <- "It seems this directory does not contain all files needed for HDL. Please check your LD.path again. The current version of HDL only support pre-computed LD reference panels."
if(output.file != ""){
cat(error.message, file = output.file, append = T)
Never mind, ran the demo and it got generated.