
"FasterRCNN: 'CLIPResNet is not in the models registry'"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

when i use the "python -m torch.distributed.launch tools/train.py --config configs/singledataset/clip_end2end_faster_rcnn_r50_c4_1x_coco.py --work-dir output --gpus 8 --launcher pytorch" to train model on singledataset(coco) i found this error . How to solve it? i run setup.py but this action don't solve. Thanks!

same issue here
python demo/image_demo.py demo/demo.jpg \ configs/inference/clip_end2end_faster_rcnn_r50_c4_1x_lvis_v0.5.py \ ckpt/epoch_12_end2end_coco.pth

May I ask you finally solved this problem ?I also met the same problem as you.

Have you solved this issue ? I also met the same problem

pip install -v -e . I solved the bug.