
Transition from PyYAML to ruamel.yaml

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Transition from PyYAML to ruamel.yaml

Reasons in favor of making the transition:

  • PyYAML currently has 202 issues open and 87 PRs open. ruamel.yaml has 108 open issues and 0 open merge requests.
  • In the last 2 years, PyYAML had only one release (6.0.1), while ruamel.yaml has had 24 releases.
  • Using PyYAML to create OrderedDict objects from YAML dicts requires using an extra package "yamlloader", and it is not clear how that can be combined with the PyYAML safe_load() method. However, on Python >=3.6, dict is ordered, so yamlloader is no longer needed.
  • The PyYAML documentation is quite terse.
  • Due to various issues, some versions of PyYAML need to be excluded:

Reasons for not making the transition (yet):

  • ruamel.yaml is still below 1.0 and states dev status "4 - Beta".