
Convert .scml files to spine .json file. Base on Spriter Pro R11 and Spine 3.8.

Primary LanguagePython


Convert .scml files to spine .json files.

Base on Spriter Pro R11 and Spine 3.8.




Execute the following command from the command line

./spriter2spine.exe -i xxx -o xxxx
  • -i specify the input folder or file

  • -o specify the output folder or file


  • search folder named 'test' from current folder, convert all the .scml file to spine json file, store them back in folder 'test' .

    ./spriter2spine.exe -i ./test -o ./test
  • search folder named 'test' from current folder, convert all the .scml file to spine json file, store them in a folder named 'output'.

    ./spriter2spine.exe -i ./test -o ./output
  • convert a file named 'Animation.scml' to 'xxx-entity name.json'.

    ./spriter2spine.exe -i ./Animation.scml -o xxx

Linux or Mac OS

  • Install Python 2.7

  • Install pip

  • Install 'xmltodict' module. Execute the following command from the command line.

    pip install xmltodict
  • For Convert files, execute the following command. similar to windows's usage

    python ./src/spriter2spine.py -i xxx -o xxx

Unsupported Features

  • Bone hierarchy animation. it mean that you can't change the bone hierarchical relation in animation.

  • Bone alpha. If you set alpha to a bone, it will not be convert to the spine version.

  • Only supported alpha animation with linear, other curve types such as bezier will not take effect.

  • Unsupported '1d Speed Curve', other types such as 'bezier' and 'instant' was supported.


  • Optimze the spine file size.

  • Optimze the spine bone 'name mangling'.

  • Make the code more cleaner, readable and pythonic.