
Keyboard does not work with Linux KDE 5

JohnBat26 opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to run observer_cli in KDE5 konsole.
Program starts normally, but it doesn't react at pressing any keys :(.
Why ?

I don't have KDE5 environment to reproduce this.

  1. One possible way is
    You must enter ENTER button after every command, such as:
> press A   -> press enter  -> change to Application view.
  1. If the above doesn't work. please check the io:get_line/1 works on your KDE5.
$ erl 
> io:get_line("whatever:").
whatever:A ## press A ---> press enter 


iex(1)> :io.get_line("whatever:")
whatever:A ## press A ---> press enter
  1. If io:get_line/1 works fine, please pay attention to case letters.
    the last line always show which keys you had press, make sure the key is exact right. if the key does't match, It just ignore this input.

Hi. Thanks for quick answer!

3> io:get_line("whatever:").   
4> io:get_line("whatever:").

And I start observer_cli how:

 ./observer_cli host cookie

Thus I don't use iex or erl.

All seems normal...

  1. Please try it in local shell mode to see if it's normal.
%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell
1> observer_cli:start().
%% mix project
iex -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start
  1. If the above works fine, then try remote mode to see if it's normal.
    start a master node by:
erl -name test@ -setcookie test
%% rebar3 project
rebar3 shell --name 'observer_cli@'
1> observer_cli:start('test@', 'test').
%% mix project
iex --name "observer_cli@" -S mix
iex(1)> :observer_cli.start(:'test@', :'test')
  1. If all works fine, the try the last one:
    start a master node by:
erl -name test@ -setcookie test
./observer_cli test@ test

Yes. It's clear for me now. I need press Enter atfer select target tab.
Thanks for awesome tool! 👍