Code for TOIS 2021 paper "Direction-Aware User Recommendation Based on Asymmetric Network Embedding", the final version of the paper will also be released soon:)
We have provided nine directed network dataset including all the datasets used in this paper and some other small datasets for fast evaluation.
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We have provided both the Tensorflow and Pytorch implementation of DNE. The requirements of the running environment is listed in requirements.txt. You can create the environment with anaconda:
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
or virtualenv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, the code can be run by:
python (for Tensorflow users)
python (for Pytorch users)
For the parameters used in the code, see the help of the argparse.
Please consider citing DNE in your publications if it helps your research.
title={Direction-Aware User Recommendation Based on Asymmetric Network Embedding},
author={Sheng Zhou, Xin Wang, Martin Ester, Bolang Li, Chen Ye, Zhen Zhang, Can Wang, Jiajun Bu},
journal={ACM Transactions on Information Systems},