
This is a tutorial for EvoSuite on IDEA

Primary LanguageJava


To set up test environment

  1. Create a new Maven project
  2. Create a peice of java code under src/main/java, e.g, codeToTest.java
  3. Create a junit script under src/test/java, e.g, codeToTestTest.java
  4. Modify the your pom.xml like pom.xml.
  5. Dowload all dependencies

To use Jacoco in IDEA

  1. Click Run then click Edit Configuration
  2. Find Code Coverage
  3. Select Jacoco

To run EvoSuite in Terminal

  1. First get in the directory of your maven project
  2. Run mvn evosuite:generate, you will find the generated tests under .evosuite
  3. By running mvn evosuite:generate evosuite:export, the tests will be generated automatically under src/test/java

To run EvoSuite in IDEA GUI

  1. Go to Plugin Market and search EvoSuite
  2. Install EvoSuite Plugin and restart IDEA IDE
  3. Right click the junit script and select Run EvoSuite
  4. Customize your configuration. 4.1 Maven location: for ubuntu: /usr/share/maven/bin/mvn (install by apt install maven) 4.2 JAVA_HOME

After all these steps, you will get two java file

  1. *_ESTest
  2. *_ESTest_scaffolding Just discard *_ESTest_scaffolding, it is useless. And comment @RunWith* and extends *_ESTest_scaffolding. Or copy the generated test scripts to your own file.

Thank you!