
Unblind Your Apps: Predicting Natural-Language Labels for Mobile GUI Components by Deep Learning

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Unblind Your Apps: Predicting Natural-Language Labels for Mobile GUI Components by Deep Learning

Accepted to ICSE2020. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.



According to the World Health Organization(WHO), it is estimated that approximately 1.3 billion people live with some form of vision impairment globally, of whom 36 million are blind. Due to their disability, engaging these minority into the society is a challenging problem.

The recent rise of smart mobile phones provides a new solution by enabling blind users' convenient access to the information and service for understanding the world. Users with vision impairment can adopt the screen reader embedded in the mobile operating systems to read the content of each screen within the app, and use gestures to interact with the phone.

However, the prerequisite of using screen readers is that developers have to add natural-language labels to the image-based components when they are developing the app. Unfortunately, more than 77% apps have issues of missing labels, according to our analysis of 10,408 Android apps. Most of these issues are caused by developers' lack of awareness and knowledge in considering the minority. And even if developers want to add the labels to UI components, they may not come up with concise and clear description as most of them are of no visual issues.

To overcome these challenges, we develop a deep-learning based model to automatically predict the labels of image-based buttons by learning from large-scale commercial apps in Google Play. The experiment results show that our model can make accurate predictions and the generated labels are of higher quality than that from real Android developers. We also submit our predicted labels of buttons of some apps to their development teams, and successfully get some positive feedback.


To demonstrate our task, we first show some examples to illustrate what is natural-language labels for components and how to set up labels for components.

(1) Figure 1 shows an example of UI components and corresponding natural-language labels. For example, the label for the top-right image-based button of this UI screenshot is ''more options''

Example of UI components and labels

(2) Figure 2 shows how to set up an image-based button within the source code

Source code for setting up labels for 'add playlist' button (which is indeed a clickable ImageView)

We only focus on image-based buttons because these buttons give no hints to screen reader when developers fail to label them, while for other components, such as TextView and EditText, screen reader could read the content directly.

(3) Figure 3 gives some examples of image-based buttons, including clickable ImageView and ImageButton

Examples of image-based buttons 1:clickable ImageView; 2/3:ImageButton


To investigate the severity of accessibility issues in mobile applications, we conduct a motivational mining study of 15,087 apps. Among these apps, we collected 394,489 GUI screenshots, and 70.53% of them contain image-based buttons.


We have crawled 19,127 apps, with 15,089 succeeding in collecting GUIs. After duplicate screenshot removal, 394,489 screenshots from 15,089 apps left. Within them, 278,234(70.53%) of them from 10,408 apps contain image-based buttons. These 10,408 apps are the main dataset for analysis in Section 3. Within these 10,408 apps, 7,814 of them contain image buttons and 7,421 apps contain clickable images.

As shown in Table 1, 77.38% of applications have at least one UI component lacking labels. In details, 60.79% screenshots have at least one UI component missing labels, which means that low-vision/blind people will meet some problems when browsing every two screen of application.

Statistics of label missing situation

As seen in Figure 4, the accessibility issues exist in all categories, especially serious in PERSONALIZATION and GAME, with over 70% applications having 80%-100% components lacking lables.

The distribution of the category of applications with different rate of image-based buttons missing content description

In addition, we plot a box-plot regarding to different download number (as seen in Figure 5). Surprisingly, there is
no significant difference between applications with different download numbers. Even applications with over 50M download number have a severe accessibility problem. We conducted a Spearman rank-order correlation test between app download number and label-missing rate. The correlation coefficient is 0.046 showing a very weak relationship between these two factors.

Box-plot for missing rate distribution of all apps with different download number


Figure 6 shows the overview of our approach. We first encode a component image via ResNet101 model, and then feed the extracted features into Transformer encoder-decoder model and finally generate the natural-language labels for this component.

Overview of our approach


To implement our model, we first filter noisy data to construct our dataset.


  • Filter duplicate xml
  • Filter duplicate elements by comparing both their screenshots and the content descriptions
  • Filter low-quality labels
    • Labels contain the class of elments, e.g, "ImageView"
    • Labels contain the app's name, e.g., "ringtone maker" for App Ringtone Maker
    • Unfinished labels, e.g., "content description"

The full list of meaningless labels can be seen at meaningless_label


Figure 7 shows some examples in our dataset.

Examples of our dataset

Table 2 shows the statistics of our dataset. In total, we collect 7,594 applications, 13,145 screenshots and 19,233 components. Besides, we split our dataset into train/val/test set, with the approximate ratio of 0.8/0.1/0.1.

Dataset Statistics

The full dataset can be downloaded via Google Drive


We evaluate our model in three aspects, i.e., accuracy with automated testing, generalization and usefulness with user study. We also shows the practical value of LabelDroid by submitting the labels to app development teams.


Overall accuracy results Accuracy Results

Wilcoxon rank sum test for accuracy evaluation

To evalute whether the differences are significant, we further conduct the Wilcoxon rank-sum test between LabelDroid and CNN+LSTM and CNN+CNN respectively in all testing metrics (BLEU@1,2,3,4, METEOR, ROUGE-L, CIDEr). We then use Benjamini&Hochberg(BH) method to correct p-values for multiple comparisons. Results show that the improvement of our model is significant in all comparisons, and the detailed corrected p-values are listed below.

LabelDroid v.s. CNN+LSTM 0.0017 0.0023 0.0061 0.0062 0.00093 0.00097 0.0014
LabelDroid v.s. CNN+CNN 0.0017 0.00096 0.0033 0.0029 0.00083 0.00093 0.0014
CNN+LSTM v.s. CNN+CNN 0.88 0.62 0.66 0.63 0.83 0.85 0.88

Results by different category Accuracy Results

Qualitative Performance with Baselines Accuracy Results

Common causes for generation failure Accuracy Results

Generalization & Usefulness

App details and results:

The acceptability score (AS) and the standard deviation for 12 completely unseen apps. * denotes p < 0.05.

Distribution of app acceptability scores by human
annotators (A1, A2, A3) and the model (M)

Wilcoxon signed-rank test

To understand the significance of the differences between four kinds of content description, we carry out the Wilcoxon signed-rank test between the scores of our model and each annotator. We then use Benjamini&Hochberg(BH) method to correct p-values for multiple comparisons, and compute effect size r=Z/sqrt(N), where Z is the statisctical result from test and N is the number of observations. The results show that the differences between our model and A1, A2, A3 are mostly significant (p-value<0.05). Detailed results are listed below.

Corrected p-value Effect size
M v.s. A1 0.000047 0.39
M v.s. A2 0.0061 0.29
M v.s. A3 0.039 0.12
A3 v.s. A1 0.029 0.23
A3 v.s. A2 0.0046 0.19
A2 v.s. A1 0.77 0.086

Examples of generalization

Generalization&Usefulness contains all data we used in this part and the results from model(M), developers(A1,A2,A3) and Evaluator.


author = {Chen, Jieshan and Chen, Chunyang and Xing, Zhenchang and Xu, Xiwei and Zhu, Liming and Li, Guoqiang and Wang, Jinshui},
title = {Unblind Your Apps: Predicting Natural-Language Labels for Mobile GUI Components by Deep Learning},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450371216},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3377811.3380327},
doi = {10.1145/3377811.3380327},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering},
pages = {322–334},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {accessibility, neural networks, content description, user interface, image-based buttons},
location = {Seoul, South Korea},
series = {ICSE '20}