
I test the linux version but get wrong result.How can I get right reuslt?

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the input is
./build/bin/ocr_test -ds=/home/daming/Work/Pytorch/LPR/TaiWanData/1 -mnd=/home/daming/Work/Pytorch/LPR/LPRMTCNN/src/ocr_test/model_platecar -pmd=/home/daming/Work/Pytorch/LPR/LPRMTCNN/src/ocr_test/plateCard_test
0 /home/daming/Work/Pytorch/LPR/TaiWanData

detector point 224.399368,363.916168 671.017761,263.650604 667.478333,568.336975 229.654694,683.795410
cost: 17.7248 (ms) detect plate region (0, 0) (720 x 1160) with confidence 0.000000, predict plate 桂SE5

but the detector point is wrong.How can i get right result