
error? transPoseFwd

maxpy opened this issue · 6 comments

maxpy commented

Error using transPoseFwd (line 14)
length(T) must be the same as size(oldPose,1)!

what's wrong?

zhusz commented

Never reproduced
Could you provide more details like the call stack info etc

zhusz commented

First, at my side I never observe such error and hence I cannot give explicit explanation to the problem.
Since I have received more than two bug reports on the same issue in function getTransViaMerge, I believe there might be something wrong in it. Currently I did some modification to the function and I believe the problem might be solved.

maxpy commented

Thank you to answer my question , I solve the problem with matlabpool;

zhusz commented

Yes! That is precisely the cause! Thank you very much for the discovery.
The problem is due to our very old version of codes (without using parpool) that output row vector of transform objects rather than a column vector, a standard form we apply in our subsequent implementations. Hence, other functions would prompt error if they find the size of the first dim of transformation objects is not equal to the number of samples.
Since we always use matlabpool enabled environment all later, we didn't find the problem until now.
So, to force all Ts in getTransViaMerge to be column vector seems to be the fastest way of solving the problem.
Sincerely thanks to your discovery!

maxpy commented

You're welcome. BTW ,Thanks to your open source code. Great job!

zhusz commented

Thanks for you appreciation! :)
We are so glad to find that our codes can provide help to this area.