
Time out occured while ' symbol in link

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I've got an interresting bug .

When i'm trying to download a file in https that contain in it name a " ' " char, i got a timeout error occured. In fact this in not the pb, because if i get the same file with removing the ' char, this work perfectly.

To reproduce the bug :
create an http server
put 2files
1 - example'name.pdf
2 - examplename.pdf

the first file will not download.

Last aria2c version from source on github : https://github.com/aria2/aria2/releases/tag/release-1.35.0
Last webui-aria2 version from source on github : https://github.com/ziahamza/webui-aria2/

thanks !

This was a fix for command line analogy line. For example --out="file name".
I have no idea other than replace parse function to a true shell lexer. Since the project is turned into a compiled one, I think it safe to choose a shlexer from npm?