
Increased timer granularity

keriksson-rosenqvist opened this issue · 0 comments

It's been show that sitting still for extended amounts of time is very bad for our health but taking a "long" break is not required and can instead cause you to loose focus if you're in the zone.

Having a more granular time setting, i.e. setting focus and break time with optional seconds field, would solve this issue as you could get poked to e.g. stand up without having to take a "proper" break. An additional feature could be having a 0 time notification that just prompts you to move. I don't believe the time sliders are the best input method for this. Instead maybe a popup when you click on the time that allows you to set hours, minutes, seconds individually would be better. Maybe even a keyboard input like the config for special breaks currently works.

There are other use cases for this, e.g. the 20-20-20 rule where the break should be ~20 sec.