Zigbee plugin for Domoticz. Allow to connect various zigbee controllers like Zigate but also Texas Instrument CC2531, CC13x2, CC26x2 ; Silicon-Labs; deConz based chipset to be connected to Domoticz
- adrien3dParis
- arkpoahRennes
- calouis
- cdorbellFrance
- chatainsimGrenoble, France
- christophe-mathieu
- Christophe55
- ChristopheBraudMontpellier, France
- cokreyan
- domopiap
- dondipietro
- doudz
- easionFu Hai Technology Co., Ltd
- erfengwelinkshenzhen,china
- FiSh3rWoLf
- Gaspard86
- Gemies
- HydciFrance
- james013
- jelev
- juju92
- karstenbakkerTredion ICT & Telecom
- KingKrush67
- KiwiHC16Paris, France
- lboueFrance
- loops21
- mastertntFrance
- MiKa1975
- Miloune@Worldline
- MindrustUK
- sohanaa
- srenaultPrismic
- thiklop
- vahempio
- z3tof
- zaraki673