
Irssi continues to block when performing network updates

deepseth opened this issue · 6 comments

0152.57 *** Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 1:44
caused my irssi to block for ~90sec til that error popped up.

*** Twirssi v2.4.0; Net::Twitter v3.11008. JSON in use: JSON::XS. See details at http://twirssi.com/
Irssi: Client: irssi 0.8.12 (20071006 0939)

See if the latest update solved this problem? 2.4.2beta.

0249.28 *** <(^) TWIRSSI v2.4.2beta
0251.05 -!- Irssi: Client: irssi 0.8.14 (20090728 1938)

have just upgraded, noticed that it blocks at login too:

0249.21 *** Downloading twirssi from
0249.23 *** Updating /home/deeps/.irssi/scripts/autorun/twirssi.pl
0249.23 *** Download complete. Reload twirssi with /script load twirssi.pl
0249.28 *** <(^) TWIRSSI v2.4.2beta
0249.28 *** (_(\ http://twirssi.com/ for full docs
0249.28 *** || ` Log in with /twitter_login, send updates with /tweet
0249.28 *** Loaded old replies from 55 contacts.
0249.28 *** No search subscriptions set up
0249.28 *** Not following all replies by anyone
0249.28 *** Loading WWW::Shorten::TinyURL...
0249.28 *** Twitter timeout set to 30
0249.30 *** Logged in as deepseth@Twitter, loading friends list...
0250.04 *** loaded friends: 83

note the time stamp difference in the last 3 lines, when irssi blocked the display was as follows:

0249.28 *** Loading WWW::Shorten::TinyURL...

will continue to monitor the situation re: unable to get updated tweets and post as and when i see any issue (just saw an issue now which is what prompted me to check this post! :)

Yeah, the login blocks right now, but that is unrelated to hanging on polling. Please update this issue if you see the polling hang again.

Just got
0926.37 *** Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 9:19
but didn't notice irssi block. looks promising!

1001.38 *** Haven't been able to get updated tweets since 9:54
again today, but no blocking again! looking good!

confirmed, was using IRC extensively this morning when it happened again without experiencing any noticable blocking! thanks! case closed i think :)