
Search subscriptions stop working

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Every now and then, I notice that its been a long time since I've seen any results for a search that I'm subscribed to.

Can confirm that I'm still subscribed, but to get it working again I need to unsubscribe and resubscribe.

Turning on debug, I found that the search last_id is much larger than all the other last_ids. But, did catch it happening again today:

Sun 16:19:18 +155 lawrencechen@Twitter Polling for replies since 376467854834425856
Sun 16:19:18 +156 lawrencechen@Twitter Polling for DMs since_id 373074404835467265
Sun 16:19:18 +156 lawrencechen@Twitter got DMs: 0
Sun 16:19:18 +156 lawrencechen@Twitter Polling for subscriptions
Sun 16:19:18 lawrencechen@Twitter Search '#nchat' id was 376815464753942529
Sun 16:19:18 lawrencechen@Twitter Search '#nchat' got id 9223372036854775807
Sun 16:19:18 +157 lawrencechen@Twitter Polling for one-time searches

Can't find anything of significance happening around that time in irssi or my system....

So, wondered what the significance of 9223372036854775807 might be.... well, its 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in Hex, so MAX_INT64....probably not going to find any more tweets after that.

But can't find why it would do that....

Yes, I can confirm this. I've just grepped umpteen logs and this has happened to me, too (back on 12th March). Will set it to ignore that value, I think.

Thanks for the bug report.

Please test v2.6.1

Better, test 2.6.2

Well, its taken a while for MAX_INT64 to appear, but it eventually did....

Wed 22:09:39+902 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64
Wed 22:14:23+261 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64
Wed 22:20:23+621 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64
Wed 22:26:38+981 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64
Wed 22:32:23+341 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64
Wed 22:38:23+702 lawrencechen@Twitter Error: search max_id = MAX_INT64


I saw it ignoring and keeping last_poll_id the same...until it stopped getting MAX_INT64 and now continues to advance.

The hashtag hasn't appeared since, so hard to say for certain that search is working or not working....

Can I close this?

Yes, it seems to be working.