
zig.executable setting is unused

squeek502 opened this issue · 6 comments

// path to the zig compiler or just "zig" if it's in your PATH
"zig.executable": "zig",

Doesn't seem to actually be used anywhere or affect anything.

AFAIK its used to e.g. run zig fmt on save?

That's the intention but it's not actually used.

whoops, sorry about that. to fix it seems that i will have to scrap the Zig.sublime-build file and write the whole thing in python. do if that will effect compatibility with TextMate at all @aequitas?

TextMate uses it's own build scripts in https://github.com/ziglang/sublime-zig-language/tree/master/Commands. So it would be no problem I guess.

Is there any workaround other than putting the zig executable in the PATH?

knadh commented

@haferburg https://robdodson.me/posts/hacking-the-path-variable-in-sublime-text/

This hack can be used to add whatever path to Sublime's internal PATH variable.