
`standalone_test_cases.stack_iterator` tests fail on Gentoo Linux x86_64

BratishkaErik opened this issue · 0 comments

Zig Version

0.12.0 and master

Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior

Run zig build and zig build test with following arguments (simplified, but same result, full log attached in the end):

./stage3/bin/zig build test -j6 -Dtarget=native -Dcpu=native --verbose --summary all --zig-lib-dir /bla_bla/zig/lib/ -Dversion-string=0.12.0 -Dstatic-llvm=false -Dno-langref -Dstd-docs=false -Dskip-non-native -Denable-llvm=true -Dconfig_h=build/config.h --release=fast


slices differ. first difference occurs at index 1 (0x1)

============ expected this output: =============  len: 4 (0x4)

[0]: 16816811
[1]: 16816811
[2]: 16813193
[3]: 16813193

============= instead found this: ==============  len: 4 (0x4)

[0]: 16816811
[1]: 16813193
[2]: 16812322
[3]: 1


error: TestExpectedEqual
└─ test-standalone
   └─ standalone_test_cases
      └─ standalone_test_cases.stack_iterator
         └─ run unwind_fp failure
error: the following command exited with error code 1:

# ...

slices differ. first difference occurs at index 1 (0x1)

============ expected this output: =============  len: 4 (0x4)

[0]: 16818124
[1]: 16818124
[2]: 16814539
[3]: 16814539

============= instead found this: ==============  len: 4 (0x4)

[0]: 16818124
[1]: 16814539
[2]: 16813698
[3]: 1


error: TestExpectedEqual
└─ test-standalone
   └─ standalone_test_cases
      └─ standalone_test_cases.stack_iterator
         └─ run unwind_nofp failure
error: the following command exited with error code 1:

# ...

slices differ. first difference occurs at index 1 (0x1)

============ expected this output: =============  len: 5 (0x5)

[0]: 16809170
[1]: 16809170
[2]: 16809170
[3]: 16809170
[4]: 16809170

============= instead found this: ==============  len: 5 (0x5)

[0]: 16809170
[1]: 140018662989610
[2]: 140018664751152
[3]: 310
[4]: 294


error: TestExpectedEqual
└─ test-standalone
   └─ standalone_test_cases
      └─ standalone_test_cases.stack_iterator
         └─ run shared_lib_unwind failure
error: the following command exited with error code 1:

# ...

├─ test-standalone transitive failure
│  └─ standalone_test_cases transitive failure
│     ├─ standalone_test_cases.simple success
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello Debug native success 1s MaxRSS:193M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello ReleaseSafe native success 9s MaxRSS:189M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello ReleaseFast native success 9s MaxRSS:192M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello ReleaseSmall native success 376ms MaxRSS:161M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello_libc Debug native success 2s MaxRSS:208M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello_libc ReleaseSafe native success 10s MaxRSS:201M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello_libc ReleaseFast native success 227ms MaxRSS:161M
│     │  ├─ zig build-exe hello_libc ReleaseSmall native success 228ms MaxRSS:161M
# ...
│     ├─ standalone_test_cases.stack_iterator transitive failure
│     │  ├─ run unwind_fp failure
│     │  │  └─ zig build-exe unwind_fp ReleaseFast native success 9s MaxRSS:195M
│     │  ├─ run unwind_nofp failure
│     │  │  └─ zig build-exe unwind_nofp ReleaseFast native success 10s MaxRSS:194M
│     │  └─ run shared_lib_unwind failure
│     │     └─ zig build-exe shared_lib_unwind ReleaseFast native success 11s MaxRSS:191M
│     │        ├─ zig build-lib c_shared_lib ReleaseFast native success 269ms MaxRSS:158M
│     │        └─ WriteFile cached

Expected Behavior

Pass the test.

Build log attached: